Carin Bondar
Canadian Carin Bondar has a PhD in biology from the University of British Columbia. She is host of several TV series including WORLDS ODDEST ANIMAL COUPLES (Animal Planet, Netflix), STEPHEN HAWKING’S BRAVE NEW WORLD (Discovery World HD, National Geographic) and OUTRAGEOUS ACTS OF SCIENCE (The Science Channel). She is writer and host of the online series WILD SEX (Earth Touch, Seeker), which has garnered over 100,000,000 views. Her new online series, WILD MOMS (Seeker) premiered for Mother’s day 2018. Bondar is author of THE NATURE OF SEX (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) and WILD MOMS. She is also an adventurer and expedition leader, and has spoken to audiences in 15 different countries. Her research group (Taxon expeditions) recently garnered global attention for naming a beetle after actor and environmentalist Leonardo Dicaprio. Bondar resides in Chilliwack, British Columbia. http://www.carinbondar.com
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